
my scene for *waking life*

18 January 2003 - 23:18

<<--unravel * reintegrate-->>

25 November 2001 -- conversation between two childhood friends

1: i wonder what we'll be like when we're 29.
1: i wonder who we'll be married to and where we'll live.
2: its so weird to think its not really even that far away
1: i know, time keeps getting faster
1: every year a year is smaller
2: definitely! so weird..they always say that'll happen, but i never really understood what they is speeding up
1: are you afraid to die?
2: i'm afraid of others dying and leaving me alone...and i'm afraid of leaving others alone, but i'm not actually afraid of dying
2: you?
1: kind of the same, i think. i'm afraid of loss on some levels...i'm starting to be less afraid of it. but no, not death. do you believe death is 'the end'?
2: no....i'm not sure what i think exactly for after death, but no option includes ending
2: what do you think?
1:'s complicated...but here goes...
1: i think the self is a lot bigger than we imagine. and it's having a lot of lives at once (simultaneous time)...other physical lives and also just other lives that would seem completelly alien to us. we know this life because a part of the big self is focusing on it...i think that the focus can be maintained only for a certain amount of 'time' and then we 'die' ... or just focus on a different picture, world...something a little bigger before we specialize again (or maybe do something else)...
2: thats really cool....i like that image
1: big self : waking self we know now :: waking self we know now : dream self. kind of.
1: it's from Seth.
2: what do relationships mean, then?
1: i always wish seth would talk more about that, but this is what i gather...
1: so life is about value fulfillment ... pretty much making the things you love grow ... and we need others in order to do this, in order to work through issues we have, in order to create our grand works of art...
i kind of think relationships, like life, are about whatever the fuck you want them to be about, although it is easier to create something good than bad (in the highest sense)
1: i think every one of them is forever.
1: i think that the bonds you have with someone never ever go away.
2: i like that
1: and you just go around making more connections and raising everything to a higher level.
1: i'm getting chills writing it :)
2: :)
1: i think life is so fucking big i don't know what to do with myself
2: focus :)
1: a perfect answer.

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