
'this was a nameless dream'

16 December 2002 - 23:07

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when you live something, and your whole being is wrapped up in it, when the presence of it permeates you completely. today my mind turned off and something opened. if that is death, please don't ever stop killing me.
strangeness when someone leaves:
the moments when he is here but not here.
the moments when he is not here but here.
what i love most about portland: the odd light on some days, an hour or two before sunset, when the color is beyond the vibrancy that can be imbued by overcast skies, when everything is saturated, gilded. i stormed through the pearl district, a slave to the grandeur all around me, alone never alone.
i called my dad and we talked about how my cat ran away to die and about the bronze elephants in the north park blocks.
we can create in contrast. reverse images, magnetic poles. please don't let it be an omen. please don't let that tenderness in you stop killing me.

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